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a good idea
一个好主意  detail>>
good idea
好点子 好主意  detail>>
it‘s a good idea
是个好主意  detail>>
that s a good idea
这个主意真不错  detail>>
that’s not a good idea
这样不太好吧  detail>>
have a good idea
想出一个好主意 有个好主意 有一个好主意  detail>>
have a good idea of
清楚地了解(知道)  detail>>
i have a good idea
我有一个好主意  detail>>
it is a good idea to do sth
做某事是个好主意  detail>>
lesson a good idea
好主意  detail>>
that sounds like a good idea
那听上去是个好主意  detail>>
the idea is good but is not workable
这个点子倒是不错只是行不通  detail>>
what a good idea
多么好的主意 真是个好主意  detail>>
your idea of a good friend
你心目中的好朋友  detail>>
now this is my idea of a good time!
这才是我所谓的享受  detail>>
your idea sounds a good one
他的解释似乎有理  detail>>
at the idea of
一想起....就  detail>>
 n.  1.主意;念头;思想;计划,打算;意见。 2.想像,模糊想法。 3.【哲学】理念,理性概念,观念;【心理学】表像。 4.【音乐】主...  detail>>